Saturday, May 19, 2012

She's Here!

Wow! She has arrived, at least into our care, custody and control. She is BEAUTIFUL and will be a great size once she is filled out. Right now, she looks like a racehorse. Well, duh. She IS a racehorse!


Despite having shipped up from Calder and having been on the van all morning, she loaded up pretty quickly -- she had one step back from the scary trailer without a ramp and then on second try, decided it must be a safe place after all.


Did I remember to take pictures? Ha! Only one and it is a view of her looking through the stall door when she first arrived. Not what I had in mind.


But, it has been a good day so far. Harvey settled right down at the Holling's farm, and he has everything he will need until his real mom can pick him up on Monday. We had a great lunch and then did some shopping and arrived immediately as the van got in from Calder. Lorraine has a great operation and they were extremely nice and very helpful.


Only problem? She needs a barn name! At this point, Dennis is insisting her name is Petunia, and Sara and I are not on board with that suggestion!


Accepting any ideas and suggestions!


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